frequently asked questions

In the following questions and answers you may find the answers to some of your queries regarding our services. If your query does not match any of the ones featured below, please feel free to contact us, and someone from Jumppace would be in touch with you directly.
It’s your choice. If you would like to update your website yourself, you will want to look into our “Content Management System” Package, which includes a platform for you to update your site.
You will own the domain. We will register the domain in your name and address and it belongs to you. This means you have ultimate control over it.
We will start working on your project as soon as we receive your complete order form and payment.
From Paypal to credit and debit cards, we accept them all! Through the purchase process you will be prompted to fill a form with your basic and credit card information. The information is safe with us. Available cards: Visa/Visa debit Mastercard/Mastercard debit American Express

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